Hello I'm

Albert Chen

Software Architect

  • Taipei, Taiwan

About Me

Hello, I'm Albert Chen, a software architect, Laravel artisan and Swoole enthusiast based in Taipei. I mainly specialize in building highly maintainable, scalable and performant systems according to different business use cases.
I love to contribute to open-source projects and share my software research with developers at meetups and technical conferences.
My skill set covers:

  • PHP
  • Swoole
  • MySQL
  • NoSQL
  • ClickHouse
  • Redis
  • Kubernetes
  • AWS
  • GCP
  • CI/CD
  • TDD

What I do

Backend Development

I built high-quality backend services based on modern PHP and Laravel. Appropriate design patterns and unit testings are performed to ensure code quality.

System Architecture

I designed and organized system architectures according to different complicated business logics. Good system architecture provides the minimum effort to maintain, extend and monitor the system.

Performance Tuning

I have solid knowledge of how things work under the hood behind PHP, Laravel, async I/O, coroutines, database and caching mechanisms. I am good at identifying the bottleneck of slow requests.

Work Experience

Software Architect in Universe Tech

Responsibility :

Established highly scalable and performant system for online gaming platforms. Evaluated and designed solutions for software development and system infrastructure.

  • Designed reliable central wallet service for transfering points among other 3rd-party wallets with Saga Pattern.
  • Built highly scalable and reliable webhook services on top of Cloud Run and Pub/Sub services on GCP.
  • Organized technical study group for sharing hardcore knowledge about MySQL, Redis, ClickHouse and other backend skills.
  • Integrated ClickHouse for aggregating tens of millions of transactional data with 100x speed up in near-realtime report. Designed data syncing and deduplication data pipeline to break the limit of MergeTree engine in ClickHouse.
  • Helped development team build a well-rounded technical culture including self-motivated learning in modern technical skills, code review, code refactor and Scrum workflow.
  • Provided technical suggestions and guidance for system development.
  • Ensured software meets all requirements of quality, security, modifiability, extensibility, etc.

Software Architect in 17Live

Responsibility :

Designed highly scalable and flexible system for livestream e-commerce. Evaluated and designed solutions for software development and system infrastructure.

  • Developed RESTful APIs with Laravel for back-end of livestream and e-commerce.
  • Built high-performance service for live comments and Facebook's webhooks with Swoole based microservice.
  • Oversaw code and structure of the project to ensure consistency with initial design.
  • Provided technical suggestions and guidance for system development.
  • Ensured software meets all requirements of quality, security, modifiability, extensibility, etc.

Software Engineer in UniSharp Tech

Responsibility :

Established and built software engineering and development company providing solutions to a variety of companies' business and operational needs. Led complex software development for a broad range of functions including content management systems, e-commerce, and internal systems for enterprise.

  • Developed RESTful or GraphQL APIs with Laravel or Lumen for back-end.
  • Built SPA application for front-end with Vue.js (Nuxt.js).
  • Performed TDD (unit and feature testing) to keep code quality and stability.
  • Integrated CI/CD for automatic testing and deploy to achieve continuous delivery.
  • Designed system and cloud structure for complicated system use cases.
  • Extended async I/O client, multi-process, websocket server abilities for PHP using Swoole.
  • Accelerated Laravel/Lumen app using Swoole up to 5x faster.

Open Sources